KLM Royal Dutch Airlines


Responsibilities: Research - Graphic Design - Video Production
Company: Component Services - KLM
Date: Feb - Jul 2021
Supporting an XL-project though graphic design, research, video production and more

This internship was my first experience working in the aviation industry. I supported an XL-project (CS2.0) within Component Services, which is a division of KLM Engineering & Maintenance. During this time, I worked on many graphic design projects to support internal communications and I performed a research project.

A big project I worked on, was a promotional video for the project, which illustrates the changes to the department and the benefits those changes will have for employees and customers. The video was also adapted for external use. My responsibilities included shooting the required footage, selecting and editing the video and providing the voice over.

This video is available here: CS2.0: A New Era for Logistics
On the AFI KLM E&M page, scroll down to the video with the title "A New Era for Logistics".

What did the company think?
Matthias is very capable in creating beautiful products in a short amount of time. He does what he says, which makes his work very reliable. I expect him to be very successful in this business and appreciate his design skills as well as his interpersonal abilities.
Internship Coach at KLM