
Responsibilities: Research - Design - Development
Company: VROEGH Design
Date: Sep 2021 - Jan 2022
Working on the development of Light Electric Vehicles

Due to a confidentiality agreement I cannot share the contents of this project.

During this internship, I was able to go through a big part of the design process of a light electric vehicle. I worked on my research skills to analyse the market, target audience and regulatory constraints. With this, I designed a concept, which I developed and modeled. I greatly developed my skills in SolidWorks and was able to deliver a concept vehicle that could be further developed.

In addition, I assisted with various other client projects and worked on some internal projects. These include improving the VROEGH Design website and a photography project.

What did the company think?
Matthias is a highly motivated intern and a pleasure to work with. He carefully goes through each step of the process and regularly shares his results in a professional way, while being open to feedback.
Industrial Designer and Internship Coach at VROEGH Design